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What Witness Statements Do You Need for Your Car Accident Claim in Birmingham, AL

In any injury claim, witness statements are important and can strengthen a victim’s case in Birmingham. It can benefit your claim to have statements from eyewitnesses, experts, and close family or friends.

Statements from lay witnesses, also known as eyewitnesses, expert witnesses, and character witnesses, are often important for a compensation claim in Birmingham. Eyewitnesses can explain what they saw and how a defendant acted negligently. Experts can lend their expansive knowledge to a claim and highlight important facts. Character witnesses can provide statements that explain the pain and suffering a victim has experienced due to a defendant’s negligence. When presented with other evidence, witness statements can help prove a defendant’s fault in Birmingham.

To get a free and confidential review of your case from our Birmingham, AL car accident lawyers, call Howe Law today at (844) 876-4357.

What Types of Witness Statements Do You Need for Your Birmingham, AL Car Accident Case?

There are three main types of witnesses that can be helpful in a compensation case following a motor vehicle accident in Birmingham. They are lay witnesses, expert witnesses, and character witnesses.

A lay witness is someone who saw the events in question firsthand. This would be an eyewitness or someone who saw your car accident as it occurred and witnessed a negligent driver’s actions in Birmingham.

An expert witness is someone with useful expertise in a specific area that pertains to a case. Depending on the case, our Alabama car accident lawyers might request the assistance of medical experts, vehicle experts, or other knowledgeable individuals.

Finally, a character witness is someone who knows a plaintiff or defendant personally. This might be friends, family, or others that have close relationships with an auto accident victim in Birmingham.

Getting statements from lay witnesses, expert witnesses, and character witnesses is often important for the vitality of a claim for compensation against a negligent driver in Birmingham.

How Can Eyewitness Statements Help Your Car Accident Lawsuit in Birmingham, AL?

Eyewitnesses might be able to provide the most helpful statements in a motor vehicle accident lawsuit in Birmingham, especially if they can confirm that a defendant acted negligently and caused a victim’s damages.

Statements from eyewitnesses can further substantiate a victim’s claim against a negligent driver. In a statement, an eyewitness can explain exactly what they saw preceding an accident, during an accident, and in the accident’s aftermath. An eyewitness could have seen a negligent driver swerving in and out of lanes, making an illegal turn, speeding, or running a stoplight. An eyewitness might have also seen the impact as it occurred and may be able to identify a defendant as the person that caused your accident in Birmingham.

If victims are able to after a collision, they should ask eyewitnesses for their contact information. Doing so will make it easier for you to contact eyewitnesses and ask for their statements once you file a lawsuit If you could not speak to eyewitnesses after your accident because of your injuries, you can get their contact information from the police report for your collision.

How Can Expert Witness Statements Help Your Car Accident Claim in Birmingham, AL?

Expert witnesses can lend their expertise to a claim and explain complicated information that might need clarification in an auto accident lawsuit in Birmingham.

Often, medical experts are necessary for injury claims. A medical expert can assess a victim’s injuries and help to confirm the cause. Certain injuries, like traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries, are caused by severe trauma or impact to a specific area of the body. Using their expertise, medical experts can determine whether or not certain injuries were caused by a motor vehicle accident and undermine any assertions that another incident could have resulted in similar injuries. Medical experts can include doctors and specialists that have personally treated your injuries.

Depending on the case, other experts might be called on to give statements. For example, vehicle experts are often required in car accident lawsuits, especially if a defendant attempts to assert that a vehicle malfunction caused a car crash in Birmingham, not their own negligence.

Therapists can also provide statements that explain the emotional and mental toll certain injuries can have on a victim. This can enable victims to recover additional compensation outside of compensation for financial damages in Birmingham.

How Can Character Witness Statements Help Your Car Accident Case in Birmingham, AL?

Because a character witness knows you personally, they can help explain the various troubles you have dealt with in the time after a car crash in Birmingham. This can help victims to recover compensation for non-economic damages.

People often confide in those close to them about their emotional struggles. If you have been recovering from serious injuries after an accident, talk to your family and friends about it. Those individuals can then provide statements regarding their observations of your reduced quality of life. Confirmation of your pain and suffering can lead to greater damages in a lawsuit against a negligent driver in Birmingham. Victims can also provide statements of their own to further strengthen their claim.

Can a Car Accident Lawsuit Be Successful without Witness Statements in Birmingham, AL?

It is difficult for lawsuits to be successful without support from witness statements. Fortunately, witnesses of some kind are typically accessible to victims in Birmingham.

While eyewitness statements may not be available, victims can call on experts and character witnesses to offer statements in their support. Witness statements can be extremely compelling and add credence to a victim’s compensation claim when coupled with other evidence.

Witness statements are often essential. Without them, certain aspects of a case might be confusing, and a victim could have difficulty recovering compensation for certain damages in Birmingham.

Call Our Birmingham, AL Lawyers About Your Car Accident Case Today

Call Howe Law at (844) 876-4357 to schedule a free evaluation of your case from our Birmingham, AL personal injury lawyers.

We've Recovered Hundreds of Millions of Dollars for Victims

$1.75 Million

Commercial Vehicle Accident

$1.75 Million

Commercial Vehicle Accident

$1.75 Million

Commercial Vehicle Accident

$1.6 Million

Drunk Driver Accident

$1.6 Million

Drunk Driver Accident

$1.6 Million

Drunk Driver Accident

$1.2 Million

Speeding Accident

$1.2 Million

Speeding Accident

$1.2 Million

Speeding Accident

$1.18 Million


$1.18 Million


$1.18 Million


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