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Olive Branch Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents are unfortunately common occurrences on roads and highways across Mississippi. These accidents often happen in busy areas such as intersections, construction zones, and highways where large trucks frequently travel. Additionally, rural roads can pose unique challenges for truck drivers, leading to accidents in these areas as well.

Victims of truck accidents may be entitled to payment for the damage they incur. However, their paths to payment can be lengthy and complicated. Thankfully, our legal team can help injured parties review their cases and identify the appropriate courses of action.

In the aftermath of your crash in Olive Branch, seek support from our experienced truck accident attorneys by calling Howe Law at (844) 876-4357.

Important Trucking Regulations in Olive Branch, MS

There are several important regulations that apply to commercial truck drivers across the country. When these regulations are not adhered to, severe accidents can occur. Our experienced truck accident lawyers can determine if your crash stems from a violation of any of the following:

Hours of Service (HOS) Limits

One important trucking regulation is the Hours of Service (HOS) limits, which dictate the maximum time a driver can operate a commercial vehicle without rest. When these limits are breached, drivers may experience fatigue, impairing their judgment and reaction times. This fatigue can increase the likelihood of accidents, especially on long-haul routes where drivers may push themselves to meet tight deadlines.

Weight Restrictions

Another critical regulation pertains to weight restrictions, aiming to prevent overloading of commercial trucks. When trucks exceed weight limits, they can strain vehicle components and increase braking distances. Overloaded trucks are more prone to losing control, especially on downhill slopes or during sudden maneuvers, leading to accidents that pose significant risks to other motorists on the road.

Vehicle Maintenance Requirements

Trucking regulations also encompass vehicle maintenance requirements, ensuring trucks are properly inspected and maintained to prevent mechanical failures. Breaching these regulations can result in serious accidents caused by equipment malfunctions such as brake failures or tire blowouts. Neglecting maintenance not only endangers the driver but also poses a significant threat to other road users because of the potential for catastrophic accidents as a result of mechanical failures.

Driver Qualification Standards

Driver qualification standards are crucial regulations that ensure only qualified individuals operate commercial vehicles. When these standards are not upheld, inexperienced or unqualified drivers may lack the skills necessary to safely maneuver large trucks. This can lead to accidents caused by errors in judgment, improper handling of the vehicle, or inadequate response to hazardous road conditions.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Finally, an important regulation is the requirement for drug and alcohol testing of commercial truck drivers. When drivers fail to comply with these testing protocols or test positive for prohibited substances, they pose a serious risk to themselves and others on the road. Impaired driving due to drug or alcohol use significantly increases the likelihood of accidents, as it impairs cognitive function, coordination, and reaction times, leading to potentially devastating consequences.

Deadline to File a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Olive Branch, MS

States’ statutes of limitations set forth specific deadlines for bringing various types of lawsuits to court. In Mississippi, the time window for filing a truck accident lawsuit is governed by Miss. Code Ann. § 15-1-49. Typically, victims will have three years from the dates of their truck accidents to file their potential cases.

Still, even though you may have up to three years to file, you should begin building your truck accident claim as quickly as possible after your crash. Important evidence required to support your case can become hard to collect or preserve as time goes on. For example, a witness may leave town or forget an important detail. Further, a pertinent piece of physical evidence may begin to deteriorate. The sooner you begin working on your potential truck accident case, the more efficient the process of evidence collection will be.

Common Injuries Sustained by Truck Accident Victims in Olive Branch, MS

There are several types of devastating harm that may result from truck accidents. For example, victims can incur any of the following injuries:

Spinal Cord Damage

Truck accidents can result in spinal cord damage, leading to paralysis or loss of sensation and motor function below the injury site. These injuries can have lifelong consequences, severely impacting a person’s mobility, independence, and quality of life.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries such as sprains, strains, and whiplash are common in truck accidents due to the forceful impact and sudden movements involved. These injuries can cause pain, swelling, and limited range of motion, often requiring extensive rehabilitation and therapy for recovery.

Brain Damage

Truck accidents may cause traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) ranging from concussions to severe brain damage. TBIs can result from direct impact, sudden deceleration, or penetration of the skull by objects within the truck. Depending on the severity, brain injuries can lead to cognitive impairments, memory loss, and changes in behavior or personality.

Facial and Dental Injuries

Truck accidents can cause facial fractures, lacerations, and dental trauma due to impacts with the steering wheel, dashboard, or airbag deployment. These injuries may require surgical intervention, dental procedures, or reconstructive surgery to restore function and appearance.

Broken Bones

Fractures and broken bones are common injuries in truck accidents, affecting the limbs, pelvis, ribs, and spine. The force of the collision or crushing injuries from the vehicle can cause bones to fracture, leading to pain, swelling, and difficulty moving. Treatment may involve immobilization, surgery, and rehabilitation to promote healing and restore function.


Truck accidents involving fires or explosions can cause severe burns to occupants. Burns may result from contact with hot surfaces, flames, or exposure to hazardous materials. Depending on the degree of burns and extent of tissue damage, treatment may involve debridement, skin grafting, and long-term wound care.


Sharp objects, broken glass, or metal debris in a truck accident can cause lacerations ranging from superficial cuts to deep wounds. Lacerations may damage muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, increasing the risk of infection and complications. Prompt medical attention is necessary to clean and close wounds to prevent further damage and promote healing.

Contact Our Law Firm for Help After a Truck Accident in Olive Branch

Get assistance from our experienced truck accident lawyers by calling Howe Law at (844) 876-4357.

We've Recovered Hundreds of Millions of Dollars for Victims

$1.75 Million

Commercial Vehicle Accident

$1.75 Million

Commercial Vehicle Accident

Howe Law achieved a recovery of $1,750,000 for our client, who sustained injuries after being T-Boned by a Commercial Vehicle on a neighborhood roadway.

$1.75 Million

Commercial Vehicle Accident

Howe Law achieved a recovery of $1,750,000 for our client, who sustained injuries after being T-Boned by a Commercial Vehicle on a neighborhood roadway.

$1.6 Million

Drunk Driver Accident

$1.6 Million

Drunk Driver Accident

Our client sustained knee and back injuries after he was struck by a drunk driver. Howe Law was retained to obtain a recovery against the at-fault driver.

$1.6 Million

Drunk Driver Accident

Our client sustained knee and back injuries after he was struck by a drunk driver. Howe Law was retained to obtain a recovery against the at-fault driver.

$1.2 Million

Speeding Accident

$1.2 Million

Speeding Accident

Our client was injured when struck from behind by a speeding company car causing injuries to his neck and back.

$1.2 Million

Speeding Accident

Our client was injured when struck from behind by a speeding company car causing injuries to his neck and back.

$1.18 Million


$1.18 Million


The Legal Team at Howe Law successfully obtained a judgment in a long fought lawsuit in the amount of $1,188,000.

$1.18 Million


The Legal Team at Howe Law successfully obtained a judgment in a long fought lawsuit in the amount of $1,188,000.

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